A New Season

Thanksgiving with the Poland team and some visitors

The start of this holiday season has come with a huge mix of emotions. A couple months ago, Andrew and Miranda made the decision that when they left for their upcoming home assignment, they would not be returning to live in Poland. So the day after Thanksgiving, we hosted another sending off party – this one for the Brothers family. It was Ted Lasso themed and a sweet time with all the Converge Poland missionaries before the Brothers’s departure. For the past several weeks, we’ve helped them plan and pack for the move back to the States. They left this morning, and we’re trusting God will lead them to the area and church community where their family can thrive. Here’s a few moments from the past month together:

Their departure highlights for us some missing pieces we have in our local community. With how much we’d been traveling and the needs of the team here, we haven’t invested the needed time into our church and local friendships. At the same time, we’re coming off of a tiring season personally, and it’s challenging to press into relationships with so little energy. We’re asking God for the strength to continue our pursuit of community here.

I find myself thankful yet again for the way the Advent season has lined up with this season in our lives. All around we’re reminded that while we live in a dark and broken world, we have hope and joy because of our Messiah has come and is coming again. We are waiting, but we are waiting with expectation that His promises will be fulfilled.

Over the past month, in addition to assisting as we can with the local team, we’ve been able to complete several editing projects. You can watch the completed videos here!

▶︎ Helari & Bill – Converge in Estonia:

Helari Puu began pastoring during Estonia's time under Soviet control. When Estonia became independent, Converge partnered with him to support the Church and care for pastors throughout Estonia.

▶︎ Pastors Retreat in Estonia:

Estonian pastors experience rest and renewal at a retreat organized by Converge global workers, Helari Puu and Bill Ankerberg.

▶︎ Rebuild the Church in Syria

Pastor Youeel’s long-held dream becomes a reality has he and partners at Vox Church launch a web platform to provide Arabic resources for church leadership.

Artists Wanted

We’re so grateful for so many responses to our call for artists! We’ve got a few people assisting us now with some upcoming projects, and we’re looking forward to multiplying our capacity through this additional support. Please continue to pass that need on to anyone who may be interested in volunteering their skills!.


  • For completed videos!

  • For fellow artists who are willing to come alongside us to help tell the stories of God’s work in this region

  • For our residency cards! After two years of paperwork and waiting, we've officially been granted temporary residency through November 2025.

  • We were able to attend a conference for missionaries in Poland a few weeks ago. It was so great to worship together and spend time with people who understand the humor, struggle and joy of being an American in Poland.

  • A sweet family with the IMB moved to Poland a couple months ago. It’s a blessing to see God continue to send people here, and we’re looking forward to seeing how He will use them


  • For the completion and publication of several more videos in the upcoming months

  • For this Christmas that will look so different from our last two – for joy and peace in the celebration of our loving God who humbled himself and came to earth

  • For strong friendships in this new season

With thanks, 
Heather and Peter


New videos and we'll see you soon!


The Summer in Pictures