Let’s work together

If you’re a gifted artist who is looking to use your skills to directly support missions from where you are, we have a few great opportunities for you.

Graphics and Animation

For videos involving ministry in secure locations, we are looking for people to create unique designs and animations to engage the audience visually while they listen to an amazing story of God’s work in the hearts of men in the Middle East.


For videos involving ministry in secure locations, we’re looking for a series of illustrations to represent key moments in peoples testimonies and ministries.

Photo Editing

Edit photos of the many unique ministries and locations of the Converge Europe and the Mediterranean Region. Current photos waiting for edits are from Scotland, England, and Ireland.

Video Editing

Use your editing skills to take 3-5 minute videos from the rough cut to the final cut. These videos involve talking heads, b-roll, graphics, and subtitles. Some may include foreign language interviews, animation, and photos.


Create the scores for a series of videos about ministries in nations surrounding the Mediterranean. Each series involves 2-4 (3-5 minute) videos.

Other art

If your specific skillset wasn’t mentioned, but you’d like to explore with us how you can serve, we’d love to talk with you. You may be able to join us on a future project.

Contact us to volunteer