Gathering in Albania
A short communications update
A couple days ago we returned from Gathering, a conference for the Converge global workers in the Europe & the Mediterranean region. We've been on the planning team for this event for the past year.
This year's theme was on Psalm 91 - God is our Refuge. We had excellent speakers to encourage and equip our workers for continued ministry. Worship was joint-led by Rock Point Church and a local Albanian worship ministry, Selah Worship Arts. Our kids ministry team was there to help kids process through some of the joys and challenges of living cross-culturally and to teach about finding our identity in Christ in addition to their full week of fun summer activities.
Despite nearly every bag of supplies getting lost in transit (the last one was finally delivered the night before we all headed back home), severely delayed flights (including those for the entire kids ministry team), and electricity cutting out for part of a day – God blessed the time we were all together, and the conference was a success.
Peter and I sit on our region's leadership team, which includes about a dozen other ministry leaders. The week before the Gathering conference began, we all (along with everyone's spouses) met together to talk through success, needs, and strategies to help our workers be healthy and successful in ministry, as well as how to expand the reach beyond our current capabilities
Those conversations and the week that followed were more evidence to us of the amazing team we serve alongside. No matter the conversation or problem, everyone rallied to look for solutions, honor one another, and explore ways to better serve our workers.
We were able to complete 3 videos for the Gathering conference. One was a celebration of a long-time worker serving in the Middle East who passed away in 2021. Unfortunately, that one cannot be shared here.
▶︎ Celebration of Bill Ankerberg
A long-time global worker, Bill has been the initiative leader for the Nordic-Baltic Initiative and has led ministries in Estonia for decades. He is transitioning into a new role, and the team wanted to honor the work he's done by hearing from the people he's worked most closely with. Peter and I had the privilege of capturing some of those words at the pastors' retreat in Estonia last fall.
Now, we've got a couple announcements for you:
Announcement #1: Valentine Family Departure
In August, Steve and Jenny Valentine, along with their four kids, will be moving back to the States. They have been the initiative leaders here and dear friends. As we have shared with you, the team here in Poznań is an important part of our lives. They care for us in hard times, celebrate alongside us, and continuously counsel us toward Christ, and by God's grace we are able to do the same for them.
While we're sad the Valentines will no longer be near by, we've desired that Jenny has an opportunity to recover her health and that the family can thrive. We trust that God will guide them through this transition.
Steve will continue on as initiative leader, serving the team from the States, but there will be several months of challenging transition for everyone on the team.
Announcement #2: Finance and Budgeting Changes
First, we want to thank you for your generosity and partnership with us in this ministry. We are truly grateful for you. Because of your partnership with us, we want to be open with you about some changes in the area of finance.
When we moved, we had reached 80% of our monthly support. Our monthly budget is $9,950. Because of your incredible generosity, we had a large amount of money that had been given before our move to make up the 20% difference for several years. Now, we need to begin raising the remainder.
Since the creation of our budget in 2020, significant unanticipated financial needs have come up.
Increased cost of Polish lessons: This has doubled since the creation of our budget
Need for office space: Last year, we began preparing an office space to share with Steve Valentine. With their upcoming move this space is no longer an option, and we needed to rent our own office in which we can work and store equipment
Increased cost of baggage when traveling
Even with these expenses, however, we are not increasing our budget. There are two reasons for that. First, we are committed to working and living economically whenever possible so that the funds given can go toward meeting ministry needs, and we have found ways to decrease our budget in other areas. Second, . . .
There is good news: Converge has decreased the admin fee on donations. Your gift now goes further.
So all things considered, we still need to raise the remaining $2000/month of our original budget, but the money given is going further to cover unanticipated financial needs.
We are asking that you prayerfully consider if you may be able to increase (or begin) your monthly financial partnership with us. For those of you who have already recently increased your giving, thank you. For those who are giving at capacity, thank you. For those who give generously to other ministries, thank you. We trust God will meet our needs, and we desire only to present this opportunity for giving to you.
If you give via check or bank autopay, please see the note here
Our biggest ask is for prayer. Amidst everything we shared above, we ask that you go to our Father in prayer for us regularly. Only He can provide. Only through Him can we experience full joy and peace. Only through Him can we encourage, serve, and care for our fellow missionaries.
All the workers in our region had an amazing experience of encouragement and equipping at our Gathering this week
For the amazing team we serve alongside
For the completion of videos that blessed our workers and their families
Miranda Brothers, a fellow worker in Poznan, has been in the hospital for 4 weeks with pregnancy complications. She will be there until she delivers. We're praying for her, baby Cedric, and her family (Andrew, Aurora, and Lily) at home.
For rest following a very busy few weeks
For the upcoming changes in our Poland team as the Valentine family enters into their last month on the field
For the completion of projects that have fallen behind as the urgent needs of the team have taken our focus
With thanks,
Heather and Peter